Indeed these few days are super tiring. Friends and relatives visits are very supportive and i appreciate all your presences. Below are some snap shots i've taken for the past three days:
This is my cousin Bao Di. Despite his past mistake ( i do not wish to elaborate ), he started to cherish his life and make full use of it. Hmm... from the photograph, u can't see what he is drawing. But in fact, he was drawing this frog picture with thousands of small little dots from his thin black marker! So he just keep "dotting" away! The camara didn't manage to capture the tiny dots, but it was a very delicate piece of artwork. He told me that he needed at least 2 to 3 days to complete one piece of artwork.
My Bro and i in a moment of boredom...
Trying to act bored!
My parents
On thursday, i almost went crazy. Nothing to do!!!!!! In the end, i went to the neighbourhood shops and window shop alone. Then before i went back to the wake, i visited one of the playground! Below is just one of the snapshot i've taken, one of the area contained small pebbles for people to step on. Bedok seems beautiful isn't it? Though the void deck is rather dirty, the renovated playground is very nice.
Beyond this bench is the playground! Filled with greeneries everywhere... Oh ya... the wind is very cooling also in the evening... It greatly hightens my mood and distract me from doing anything silly.
As i was about to return to the wake, i saw a place nicely decorated with white flowers and ribbons nearby! Oh!! Its a malay wedding which is going to be held this weekend! Initially the void deck we occupied were booked by them, but we some sort of like "forcefully snatched" it for our funeral. Errm... then they have to make do with their wedding just diagonally across our wake. The place was very very beautifully decorated on the facade that it caught my attention immediately as i petrol around the vicinity of the wake.
Again, before i returned to boredom, i saw a group of pigeons having a meeting on the grass patch! Seems like one bird is late for the meeting... notti bird...
Back in the wake on friday, a group of people dawn in black clothing arrived at our wake and started chanting from a book. Only a few of our relatives participate in this event cos its optional. Oh ya... people who are dressed in these black clothings are volunteers. I don't think they are paid. However for the rest, such as the monk, the priest etc, everything else is paid for.
Perhaps i should highlight on a thing which i'm not very happy about. Even my relatives are also not very happy with her. There is this nun who was present in our wake. Not everyday, but often enough. Guess her appearance? Let me tell u, she wore a nice blond wig, long leather gloves with a striking white bracelet. Mini skirts and high heel boots to compliment with it. Note also the high heel boots was up to knee level. Impressive. This nun was an estate broker as well, and before she left the wake today, she drove a monk in a red coloured car. I understand... bad example indeed... and i shall not elaborate further to protect myself from the law. Who knows? I blabber things here and may be charged unknowingly 2 days later? Just like getting fine for jaywalking.. People nowadays are so free. Truly a "democratic" society indeed. I would say, 50% democracy and 50% communist would be more likely. Maybe you don't quite understand what i'm saying, but it is produced from a mixture of thoughts. The essence is more or less here le...My cousins!!! The girl is called Zeean and that little boy is called Zeon! Haha... a very cute pair of siblings. Always wanna make one another cry. Very entertaining de!
Late in the night ( last night of the wake ) we burned those paper money, buildings made of wooden sticks, "treasure box", paper Mercedes-Benz and lots more. Even as i'm taking this picture far away, u can still feel the infared heat!!
On the last day of the wake, which is today sunday proper, we are very busy and very tired. Of course i still went to church in the morning and played hymns for them. Hmm... praise the Lord! Though i didn't practise well, a good job was done nonetheless. (^.^) *beaming* I also don't know how come i can do it... very surprising...After which, the whole family ( other then Esther ) went to the funeral. A lot of Kow tow, offerring, crying followed. Next came the band. Trumpet, saxaphone, cymbal BLASTED. Staying there for 15 mintues can make u instantly deaf, trust me. The whole thing lasted at least half an hour, which i think everyone was deaf after that.When the coffin was closed, we were asked to walk behind the coffin as my relatives carry the coffin in front. That time was 1.30pm and the sun was SCORCHING HOT!!!!!!! Really cannot make it. CMI CMI... since we're wearing only socks, the tremendous amount of heat generated from the nuclear reaction of the sun impacted the concrete road as our 3mm thick feet absorbed 70% of the heat while walking and 95% of the heat while standing. Seriously, my feet still feel the burning pain after 4 hours. I think the heat can reach up to 80 degree celcius. No kidding.After we took the bus, we went straight to the crematory at Guang Ming Shang. When we reached there, we are told to kneel down, then walk 2 rounds around my grandma's photo ( while 4 priest was meditating in a "fast forward" pace, chanted super duper fast ) and before we knew it, "PLOP" goes the coffin into the silvery metal plate. OMG!! I didn't even realise the coffin is ours and it just went in without us noticing it. Then the 4 monks just left. Below is a snapshot of the crematory:
Of course my relatives cried. This is the time where i heard the most crying. Straight after the short ceremony which lasted for less then 10 mintues, we chose the place to put the ash. According to my dad who made the decision, everything is computerized. Of course in the meantime when we are still there, i saw that 4 monks again, repeating the same thing again and again for at least 4 times before we left. It's a busy job afterall.
Anyway today is really a tiring day. All my relatives are tired from the 7 day funeral. I just hope that now that it has past, all of us will face the future with a thankful heart. Thankful that there are still many love ones waiting for us... thankful that we are still alive and should live our life to the fullest.
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