Raining day...
Today i made 19 rum balls!!! Impressive huh? And i did all the mixing, squeezing and coating within 1 hour before i left for work. hehe.... all for tomorrow's outing! YEY! Hopefully the person trying out this will be delighted... :P
Improving right? So happy that i did this all by myself without the help of my maid this time. Shortly after i'm blogging this, the skin testing centre called me. Oh ya... i actually applied this job 2 years ago, involving testing of skin products on myself and getting paid for it. Ok la... some sort of guinea pig hor? Don't worry! I believe my skin is durable! If i disfigured myself, please don't be alarm when u saw a horrendous looking person saying "Hi!" to you... its me actually...

As usual, i went to work for my parents in the afternoon. But at around 6pm, i saw my sec sch physics teacher Mr Ng!! Didn't say hi to him, but all Hai Sing Catholic sec friends please take note!! Mr Ng is still alive!!! It has been 7 years since i last saw him... a very cute teacher whom i think retired already. I'll never forget the jokes u made in class ( actually u're the joke itself la ) A very nice and cute teacher!
Mr Ng and his wife eating in bedok hawker 85A closer view... eating minced meat noodles!!!
Time flies... although work is tough, the effort in paid off. Feeling tired from the long hours of standing, but i think its worthwhile. That's all for today! Looking forward for tomorrow... (^.^)
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