Happy moments are not meant to last forever. Perhaps people are not thankful and contented with what they have, thus they constantly have to face such unhappiness.
Today, i visited my grandma in Bedok. A phone call from my dad yesterday told me that my grandma is sufferring terribly and the end of her life is imminent. I visited her today. Sadness overcame the entire family and a few relatives as we witnessed the actual situation.
I feel so sorry that i didn't spend much time with you. Though communication barrier makes it hard for us to talk, though we live apart from one another, i still hope you're alright. Everyone hope you will be able to live happily each day, but things does not turn out well this time. My grandma is a diabetic and has to inject insulin into herself everyday. The intake of water must also be carefully regulated. Due to the hyperglycemia condition, she will take a long time to heal if she were to suffer a cut. She did suffer a cut on her toe before, but instead of healing, it started to decay. As a result, her entire right lower limb was amputated.
Don't know what happen also, her appetite these days is atrocious and she vomited everything she ate. By the time i saw her, she couldn't even open her eyes nor talk. To mumble a few words require great effort from her.
My Dad, looking at his mother as the house maid tried to make my grandma feels better.
My Grandpa looking at my Grandma. He himself was sufferring from stroke as well...
After visiting my Grandma, my brother and i went to the library as my spectacle spare parts are not yet delivered to the optical shop. Interestingly, we found this cute Sand Gecko!
Next, we proceed to TM to windowshop. As we walk across the road, a policewomen stopped us. She wanted to charge each us $20 for jaywalking, without using the designated traffic light to cross the road. After she copied down our NRIC, i stood perfectly still on the spot, not willing to move. Anger boils in me. Within that few seconds, i took a photo of this:
They are jaywalking and are not caught!!!! Fuck you understand. ( By the way, i will show my true colours when i'm angry ) Not enough manpower is not an excuse for not catching them. Not everyday is sunday u understand? Do you know how scorching hot the weather is? No wonder people rather bake themselves in the sun, waiting for the traffic light to turn red before crossing ( although no cars are within the vicinity ). Brainless individuals.
See the above traffic policeman in white? Since when traffic policeman targets the pedesterian instead of the TRAFFIC. No traffic accident, nothing happen on the road these few months is it? These traffic policeman must be too free. I know you are maintaining law and order. When i reported a cheating case to the police 4 years ago regarding 2 China man who cheated me $830, gave you policeman all the details, telephone numbers, description of the 2 cheaters, are you able to track down these two China man? Send me here and there, in the end send me to the headquarter for a more detailed investigation. In the end? Nothing came back to me. Come to important things you are impotent. Teeny weeny little things like jaywalking catch like crazy. We are adults. We don't need you to ensure our safety while crossing road.
Not only am i not happy, many pedestrains who were caught are extremely unhappy about it as well. ( And let me stress the word MANY PEDESTRAINS ) I talked to that malay policewomen and argued with her. All the bullshit of doing her job la, not enough manpower la just blabber from her mouth. In the end, she will only charge one of us for that $20 fine and give us a warning. What's more. When i pass by that road again ( after the windowshop in TM ) to reach the optical shop, more pedestrains jaywalked and are not caught. Why? Cos both the malay policewomen and policemen are missing in action. Off duty loh! But still, fuck you understand. I'm boiling mad as more and more pedestrain jaywalk happily.
Next, i took around 30mins in the optical shop as they mend my spectacles for me. It cost me $100 bucks. EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD WANTS MONEY. Anyway i think the optical shop people deserves it. They have good services. Good services these days are expensive as well..
I hope similar incident will not happen to me after today. Of course, i will still jaywalk if necessary, instead of baking myself under the sun, with no cars in the vicinity, sweating for no reason and wasting precious time.
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