Cameron Highland + Genting trip!
On 29th July sunday, i had a chance to go on a trip to Cameron Highland and Genting with my friends! 5 of us went actually.... Wanjing ( the coordinator ), Wendy, Jonita, Sa and me! Met up at Lavenda Mrt at 9.30pm, walked all the way to Golden Mile before boarding the bus at 10.30pm. Haha! We are so relieve that the bus got entertainment!! Games and movies... :)
Wanjing and me!
Took a very very long ride all the way from Singapore to Cameron. The bus stopped for 3 times before ending at Brinchang, one of the 9 towns in Cameron Highland! When we first reached, we initially thought it was just another stop. Stepping out of the bus, the cool wind welcomed us. Weather is very nice. Bought a hot tea before going back to the bus. Hmm... then suddenly, a woman entered the bus and started to recommend us different packages to us. They include
1) Leisure tour ( 25RM )
2) Nature Discovery Tour ( 60RM )
3) Agro Delight Tour ( 65RM )
4) Sunrise Spectacular ( 65RM )
5) Moonlight Rendezvous ( 65RM )
6) Amazing Rafflesia
Each have their own plus points i guess. Haha... Initially the woman speak with such honesty and persuasiveness that we almost purchased 2 tour packages. But finally we decided to go for the Nature Discovery Tour before making any further decision. Tight on budget!
Take a look at the Equatorial hotel where we stayed for one night! Took this picture because got our national flag. Haha...
A majestic view from the balcony of our hotel!!
Look at that... i can't believe what i saw when i first look at it... its as if we are living among greeneries! Countryside i mean... haha...
Next is the start of our tour! A van took the 5 of us ( and 2 other Eurasian ) to a nearby tea plantation. What a large piece of land!!
Took a number of photos from this tea plantation because the scenery was really enchanting... together with the cooling breeze that is blowing continuously at you, the feeling was fantastic!!

Taking a photo with the tea plantation behind me! Though it looks like a flat piece of land, the tea plant was in fact in the valley.
Large piece of land filled with tea plantation. Mountainous also!
Tea plantation on the mountain itself. Let me tell u little bit about what the tour guide told us. This tea plantation is owned by a scottish living in KL now. Each working is paid 23 cents RM per kg of leaves harvested! Upon the harvest, it will be sent to a factory nearby where it can then be made into green tea ( non-fermented ), black tea ( fully fermented ) and Oolong tea ( semi-fermented ).
Another photo of me!
Tea plant! Short and stout... haha...
Jonita and me posing in the pic. Haha.. Her face was apparently covered... Sa, Wendy and Wanjing behind us!
Look at where the van is? The next four picture is taken from there
Looking straight from that area
At the left of that area
In case all of you didn't notice, there are white flags at certain boundaries of the tea plantation. Look at the left centre of this picture. The white flags are present to signify to the aeroplane NOT to add fertilisers, because these tea plants are undergoing pruning. Temperature here is around 16 degrees!
Everyone trying to take a closer look at the tea plant
Next, we went all the way up the mountain!!! Rocky and meandering... Seriously, the condition of the road is accident prone. A lot of turning was like 90 degree and there is no way u can ensure 100% safety before making that turn. What the driver did was before making a sharp turn, he would horn aloud to alert any possible car at the opposite side. Got a little giddy actually.. haha...
Standing at the top of the viewing tower, we had a wonderful view afar!!! The view is paramonic, enchancing the majesty of it...
A shot taken by turning clockwise about 90 degrees.
Look at the greenies! They are so beautiful... the red-white structure is just a communication tower. Notice at the bottom of this pic, the metal grill is rusty? In fact, the whole viewing tower is super duper rusty. This is what makes the climbing up frightening... you never know when the rusty metal give way!! ( the rust also makes my hand itchy... ) Oh ya... plus the icy cold wind which is so strong that it really sway my whole body when it blows... its difficult to maintain the camara at a still position..
Truly portray the real beauty of Malaysia... The tour guide say u can even see Ipoh from here!
Take a look at the scenery that i videotaped it at the top of Cameron Highland! Filming the top view first, before filming the bottom of the scenery!!
As we are leaving the top of the mountain, we are ushered into the "jungle" for a "nature walk" with the spongy mud everywhere... haha! All our shoes are stained with mud. For the girls who wore sandels, their feet are not spared... look at this squarish stone? This is a marking which demarcates the international boundaries of Pahang and Pekan. ( btw, Cameron Highland is in the state of Pahang, Malaysia ) The position where this lady is standing is Pahang. Once she stepped towards the greener side, she would be in Pekan already.
Everyone climbing carefully, trying to gain a firm hold on the branches to stabilize themselves.
Listening to the tour guide
Our tour guide!
A pitcher plant. Notice that is it brown in colour? Anyway the tour guide said something about colour of the pitcher plant and the position relating to it... haha... cannot remember... but brown pitcher plant is found in areas where there is less sunlight.
Climbing down is as dangerous as climbing up!
White pitcher plant! normally found is places where light is abundant... :) You know how difficult it is to take this pitch plant?? The place i'm standing is a dead end. Immediately behind me is nothing and in front of me is this stupid white pitcher plant. The place i'm standing is less the 35cm. Sian...
Our lovely feet after the trekking! The tour guide still want us to pack some mud home for facial.. haha..
Can't remember where i took this 2 pictures... hehe...
At the end of the nature discovery tour, we were given these and a bottle of mineral water! Delicious strawberry pastry and pandan cake!!
This is a butter cake. Anyway the strawberry pastry cake is really nice. I like the jam the most.. :P
Next we are brought to our final destination of this tour. Some sort of trying to expose ourselves to the living environment of these native people known as Orang Asli. I think all of us agree that this is not really like "native" enough... there is not much of a culture from what we can see... haha..

Beening wondering why i'm taking this picture? Actually these 4 girls are looking a 2 beautiful cat on top and a cock ( male hen ) in front of them. Haha... we are so noob...
A picture of the hut of the native people.
The entire journey, though lasted only 3 hours or so, was very tiring for us because we did not have a good night sleep yesterday. The bus was giving us a bumpy ride...
Had our first lunch!
After we had our lunch, we went back to the hotel taking a taxi ride which cost us 18RM. Rested a while before going out again! On the way, we saw lots of cactus!! Some are very beautiful... haha... i bought 6 of them before all of us leaves for the town of Brinchang...
More cactus!
The interior of one of the souvenir shop
When we reached Brinchang, we tried to search for halal food. In the end, we found a place which have steamboat and feast upon the seafood that cost us only 65RM!!! It was filling...
A picture taken before we feast upon the steamboat!
Waiting for the steamboat to come
After the steamboat, we walked around the vicinity where there are a few shops here and there. Saw this cute tea bags packed nicely in a wooden box and just took a picture of it.
Tea leaves with nice packaging
Our final shop is Secret Recipe!! Haha!! Of course of course... compare to Singapore, the cakes here are much cheaper and i bought myself a slice of Chocolate Indulgence... Very chocolatey and creamy indeed...
Irresistible chocolate muffin!
Reached the hotel late in the night. After the girls bathed, i soak myself in a bath tub... Arh.... the feeling is heavenly because the outside weather is freezing!!! Serious... but so nice of the girls to wait for me before we had a game of Uno Stacko and Uno card game!
Woke up early in the morning, opened the curtain and WOW... The mist makes the whole place stunning...
Initially i thought we are living in the clouds... but don't think so la... should be just mist...
Taking at another angle
Mist slowly clearning away...
After a quick pack up, we had our complimentary breakfast buffet in Equatorial hotel before leaving Cameron Highland for Genting. 2 breaks were given during the journey~

1) Leisure tour ( 25RM )
2) Nature Discovery Tour ( 60RM )
3) Agro Delight Tour ( 65RM )
4) Sunrise Spectacular ( 65RM )
5) Moonlight Rendezvous ( 65RM )
6) Amazing Rafflesia
Each have their own plus points i guess. Haha... Initially the woman speak with such honesty and persuasiveness that we almost purchased 2 tour packages. But finally we decided to go for the Nature Discovery Tour before making any further decision. Tight on budget!
Take a look at the Equatorial hotel where we stayed for one night! Took this picture because got our national flag. Haha...

At the top of the mountain, we saw this viewing tower. The next 4 photos are taken from the top of the tower. Oh my... the cold wind was blowing continuously at us, not sparing us a little bit... the bitter cold entered our bones and truly makes us shiver...

As we are leaving the top of the mountain, we are ushered into the "jungle" for a "nature walk" with the spongy mud everywhere... haha! All our shoes are stained with mud. For the girls who wore sandels, their feet are not spared... look at this squarish stone? This is a marking which demarcates the international boundaries of Pahang and Pekan. ( btw, Cameron Highland is in the state of Pahang, Malaysia ) The position where this lady is standing is Pahang. Once she stepped towards the greener side, she would be in Pekan already.

When we reached Genting, we check-in First world hotel, rested a while and then walked around the area. The hotel lobby of First world hotel.
A picture taken just outside the lobby of First World Hotel
Haha.. the first indoor games we played were the bumper ride! See... the girls are so tired... ( in fact they had a conspiracy already... they just want to bump me because i'm rather irritating yesterday night while playing the uno stacko.. haha!! )
Wan Jing adjusting her seat
Sa in her own vehicle!
Last year came the Genting before... hmm... this place was under renovation. Look its so nice now!
Sa and Jonita in the pic! We're playing a mini roller coaster in the indoor theme park.
In the outdoor theme park!
A group photo!
The 4 girls
Jonita and Wanjing!
Sa and Wendy!
Small figurines selling in one of the shops...
Anyway that's all the picture i took. After the windowshopping Jonita went back to hotel to rest while the rest of us watched a movie "Invisible Target" for 10RM. This show is really... action pack and a little violent.. haha... not bad!!!

hmm... the next day, we woke up rather late. Wanjing, Jonita, Wendy and me decided to take a walk around Genting. Haha! The mist was heavy!!! Tried to take a few photos here and there ba... saw a squirrel also!!
Took a picture in the mists of mist... Everything is like a mist hor?
However since today is the last day, we had a busy schedule. Went to the outdoor theme park for 2 hours only. Tried a few games before we check out and leave for the bus terminal. One thing i noticed... i had sunburn!! Though i didn't get into the sun, and the weather is 24 hours super cold, i guessed the clouds didn't really gave their full protection in the highlands.... Been in the mountain always.. Weather is so dry that my lips cracked... skin pealing off from the sunburn.. haha...

Yet the whole journey was truly an enjoyable trip. Enjoyed all their company and i'm feeling very happy. Perhaps i'll update this entry again when i got more photos from them!
Can I asked you, do you still remember which travel agent you use for this trip?
If you do, could you please email me the travel agent to
Many thanks
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