Xiao Bu Dian = Sotong Birthday!
Wow... these days, there are so many people birthday going on! Look at this girl who is trying to cover her face:

Have you ever wonder all the weird position a person can have when all the eyes are looking at them? haha!! Don't know leh... for me, i think the people behind her looks more normal than the girl facing us now... anyway, this is her latest "praying stunt":
Look at Zi Xian, totally oblivious of the birthday girl as she look at her "donut cake", specially bought by Russell i guess? :) Oh ya.. the donut is from Missy donut!
As usual, my best friend and i against the white walls of SBS building~
Happy family! Got Sotong, Jia Wei, Yue Feng, Russell, Zhi Hui, Wei Chao, Isaac, Jie Hui and YY while Zi Xian and me were taking photos~ Sorry YY for truncating you in this picture... haha... i guess it could be a deletion that results in premature termination of the coding sequence...
A closer look at the donut! Strawberry, blueberry, chocolate, green tea, chocolate prinkles, pineapple, orange-flavoured and white chocolate... nice! Whose hand is that??? I can see a ring... hmm... if you can spot whose hand is it, i will offer you one of the matches as seen on the table... :P
The two best friend trying to make a mouthful of "connections"... oh man... luckily we did the DNA extraction using our cheek cells last week. I cannot imagine this kind of incest again for the next practical...
Poor Ying yang.. you are truncated in the pictures above! This should be able to compensate for that! Doesn't he look "stylo" in that statue-like position? Seems to be in deep thoughts...
Anyway the celebration was rather well planned! Thanks to sotong's friends like Russell, Jie Hui and Jia Wei... haha... straight after that is our practical... well... spinning and spinning the "unknown sample" from one of us to test for Huntington disease. Although we don't know whose DNA is that, i believe my DNA has reached the reduced penetrance level. Don't know leh... sometimes my hand just "shiver" by itself... some sort of like loss of cognition? haha...

All in all, today was a nice day to me although i'm very very tired. Had a good chat with YF and everything is alright again.. haha.. the more time u spend with someone, of course friction will always occur. Most importantly, be honest with one another and then to forgive is the best solution!
I believe tomorrow will be a better day. From my heart... (^.^)
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