A Friday afternoon
Everything is in fast pace. Currently, i'm watching a show called " Attack No 1 " from crunchyroll website and wow... it's really nice! I cried at least twice from this show. Very good sportsmanship was shown in the show.
Today I got back my exam results!! Was very nervous indeed as i logged on studentlink and check my results. LOL!!! Elated. Intoxicated with an euphoric "highness"! Ok... i must admit that my grades were mediocre, but nonetheless, the grades i've got this semester is the best during my years in NTU!! GPA 4.2 !! Haha... compared to myself, i did well! Was rather disappointed with my Biophysics and Virology actually. Anyway, hope i can maintain the grades!
Today I got back my exam results!! Was very nervous indeed as i logged on studentlink and check my results. LOL!!! Elated. Intoxicated with an euphoric "highness"! Ok... i must admit that my grades were mediocre, but nonetheless, the grades i've got this semester is the best during my years in NTU!! GPA 4.2 !! Haha... compared to myself, i did well! Was rather disappointed with my Biophysics and Virology actually. Anyway, hope i can maintain the grades!
Finally today, i returned the sunblock products at 4pm today. Hmm... weather was very hot. Reached I.E.C. before going to a building located just across the road of Lucky Plaza for examinations by a dermatologist. Level 16 to be exact. Indeed, the place was clean... very very white and... more white then ever... Everything is white, the chair, the floor, the celling, the uniform, the shelves, the laptop, the toilet bowl, the drinking machine, the paper etc. Most importantly, the face of the "nurses" are white as well. Seems... a little... under-nutritioned ... Does not seems to exposed to the sun for centuries...
Upon seeing the doctor, he asked me a few questions such as:
" Having u been to other countries before?"
"Applied the product to your face at least 2 times a day?"
"Taken any medication?"
"Any parts of your face feel itchy, swollen or reddness, etc?"
After asking, he took out a "magnifying spectacle" and observe my face. OMG! He look funny with that spectacle... seems like a goldfish though... Anyway, the most important thing is i got my $30!! Didn't fully obey the protocol of the experiment, but i'll be careful in future!

See... even the lifts are white in colour. LOL!! Speckless clean everywhere i go. Nice place.
After which, meet up with MJ. Hmm... a sick person should take care ya? Balance diet and proper sleep is important! Finally had a chat with her and get to know more about her. Oh ya... chatted with Alister yesterday at Tampines Mac from 8.30pm to 11pm. Haha! Has been long since i met up with my JC buddy and yup! He seems to enjoy the army days and is still coping well in NUS. Haha! Still loves chemistry as usual...
That's all! Tomorrow will be another busy day for me.
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