Badminton and outing~

Err... nothing actually... just that the decoration is very stunning. This is so beautiful lo! Has it been long since i stepped into suntec? Don't think so leh... PC show that time did came, but didn't take notice of this! In fact, it is this water droplets in the middle of the whole circular structure that make us raised our curious eyebrows. The droplets has the visual effect of "gliding downwards" from a relatively straight line and "gliding upwards" the straight line as well!!! Its as if an anti-gravity force was acting on the droplets. Haha... anyway i just think this is a clever trick done by the lightings. On the other hand, is was very beautiful and a romantic place to be in!! After Jess drew some money nearby, we went back to this location again and chatted for quite sometime.
In the end, we are chased off by the security people! haha... then Jess wanted to enter the Hong Kong Cafe to continue her "spying" job. LOL... can't be going in without buying anything right? Then we order this:Actually i forget the name of this dessert already. But i still remember the taste, which includes real mango, jelly, condensed milk, syrup and crushed ice. Too sweet! Anyway the ice-cream located at the top was toppled. Haha!! Why?? Yu Sheng joined us shortly, wanted to taste the ice-cream and in the end he toppled it. Aiyo! No one is blaming you la... haha.. don't always take it to heart ya? Too much ice-cream is not good for health toO!
Next, we enjoyed the cool night walk before taking a taxi home. Haha... was a happy day today, yet filled with regret because i didn't study at all. Seriously i think my grades for this current module will not do very well. Within 25 minutes, i've reached home, bathed and started chatting on the phone. All in all, the chats i had was filled with care, concern, honest feelings of frustration, compromising, explaining, understanding, knowing ones feelings, acceptance and affirming individual's stand. You know who you are and i appreciate all the honesty and understanding from my heart. This is what i call "acceptable amount of privacy" by not being too detailed in my blog.
Was indeed a tiring day for me. Imagine if i didn't blog it down, all these will be forgotten in the morning when i woke up. My mind is degenerating each day anyway. Right now since i blogged it down, it can, perhaps, also serves as an accountability to people who don't trust what i'm doing. Btw, i don't have to accountable to anyone. Don't take it for granted when i did (^.^) The reason why i blog is to solely keep it for memories. But thanks for reading it anyway! Take good care of all of you my dear friends... (^.^)
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