A series or events happened over the past few weeks and i'm delighted things turn out fine! Hmm... let me try to account them starting from the latest event. Hall 12 offered me a place to stay finally! Don't know i should accept or not. I think i'm rather used to going to and back from school, have maid to serve me and get to sleep in train. Life is not that bad afterall since TCM lesson has not started. Dad told me to take up the place, and i can decide whether i wanna stay or not. In fact, i hope to stay in Hall 16, or at least try once before i leave NTU...
Oh ya! I receive this Walnut cake yesterday~!! Freshly baked by Bangawansolo! I've been craving to eat walnut ever since my BMS friends said that walnut are good nutrients for your brain. Haha! And someone is so kind enough to buy it for me!
Ate the walnut cake and i think its fabulous. Joshua and Esther even "attack" it sia.. i thought i can have it all alone by myself. Humph... and seriously, this cake it so nice that i think i can finish everything myself.. :P thanks!
On wed, it was my family day! Everyone who belongs to this family is present of course! We went to one of the shop in chinatown named "Guo Fu" to have a steamboat treat! Veg, prawns, fish, sheep meat, chicken meat, pork, mushrooms, fried tapioca and a lot more things for us to indulge in!
Taken after the waitress put on the soup we ordered. Available are tom yam, curry, chicken soup and soup with medicinal value. Not bad...
Look at the feast!
The scrumptious meal taken by me once again!
After the meal, we went home. But sadly, my sister lost her phone. Tried finding but to no avail. Anyway i get to go to sembawang beach and sit on the swing too! Had a nice stroll too before going home. * felt blessed * i always treasure the time spend with my family.
Oh ya! I receive this Walnut cake yesterday~!! Freshly baked by Bangawansolo! I've been craving to eat walnut ever since my BMS friends said that walnut are good nutrients for your brain. Haha! And someone is so kind enough to buy it for me!

On tue, i went for my lab! Just taking a few pictures during the lab session:
Look at CCC taking a picture with the inverted structure of the brain. Eh... don't think it's his brain ba... it's just too big to be his... opps! Not implying anything... haha!
This is our professor Tang Kai with his favourite toy! Make a guess... is this MALDI-TOF/TOF, ESI Q-TOF, ESI LTQ Orbitrap or ESI LTQ FT? And i cannot believe he actually look into my camara phone while i'm taking a picture of him teaching!
Him teaching us to analyze the results from the screen. I think Jessica is trying to hide her face away from my camara.. good way to listen and hide at the same time!
This is the TV screen which amplify and magnify the metal needle close to the detector. Hmm... if i'm not wrong, this needle is used for the electronspray ionisation, which is so fine for the naked eye! ( i think so ba ) lol...
A closer look at what the TV screen is magnifying!
Hmm... out of lab, at jurong east i went to the newly opened popular and everything is nice and beautiful. Picked up a book on frogs and found some cute frogs!
See this frog? I like the thin lip and... it looks stupid to me.. haha...
Last but not least, a nice meal cooked by my maid! Though this meal has long digested and shitted out, i wanna highlight the fact that the food looks good before going into my mouth!
Although this western looks the same everytime, i just like the western cooked by my maid. It just seems appealing.. and mouth-watering...
That's all! Hope everything will be fine this week... i hope...

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