A nite at the Night Safari... animal show! By the way, this is the first time i've been to Night Safari.

Msn got virus and auto shut down whenever i'm in msn.. so have not been online for months already... haiz.. had an ugly haircut too.. Oh ya.. a little angry these days... INSTEP encourages us to apply for exchange, and i applied 3 times consecutively with my results improving everytime. This is my last and only chance to apply for it and you didn't even bother to give it to me, but you gave it to a stupid idiot in ADM and breakup a wonderful combi of SBS members. No problem. U have the last say. Now you send me a mail for GIP ( addressed to me cos i saw my name.. or is it just automated? ). You think i'll be so stupid to apply for it again? Or are u trying to play me? U sucks
Another sucky stuff. I know recall manning is approaching, why appoint me to call up the rest of the servicemen and authenticate their particulars? By the way, i will never do it. During the Functional Genomics and Proteomics lecture, a 3rd SG in-charged called me and ask for my particulars. Mind your own business k. I'm having an important lecture and you cannot hear from the background? Ask and ask like nobody's business. What if that few minutes of conversation make my exam lost 1 or 2 marks and make me a grade lower? Can you compensate me the losses? Government always give $100 to national servicemen, but i rather forfeit it and get back my 2.4 years.
Haix... feeling a little unhappy these days.. not because anything bad happen... perhaps just purely depressed for nothing... Or just wasting my life away... That's all... Hope i have the mood to update again.. haha.. Have a nice recess week! Holiday!!
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