One boring evening, i had nothing to do. Took a pooh bear ( for hug hug one ) for a camara shot:
( Close up shot )

Oh ya.. by the way, anyone know how Hui Jun looks like? :P Haha.. yup! Hui Jun is the middle girl eating the noodles.. this picture is taken when Huifen treated us pizza hut on her own birthday! Thanks for your blueberry cheese cake Huifen! It tastes very nice.. Two more pictures showing what my maid prepared for my dinner which i think are very nice too!
haha.. a typical western food! and on another occasion, bee hoon + herbal soup!
Oh ya.. i had a variety of Delifrance breakfast one morning i can choose from!
Seriously, the Raspberry Butter Cake Slice is superb. One slice + a cup of tea-o is enough. Filling! Perhaps is due to the sweet buttery taste and the rich raspberry smell that makes it memorable. I certainly recommend it to all of you!
Working life still sucks, but i'm coping better and better each day. On my way to work, i notice this building. Make a guess why i took this picture?
yey... if u are observant, the logo for the DKSH company resembles the tree just below it.. how very creative of them to think of such logo... -____-" When i walked into my company, i notice another thing pasted on one of the cupboard:
This message funny sounds funny. Shouldn't it be " Please close after use"?? Although my English is not that "powderful", but i still finds it funny to read it this way.. haha.. sometimes it does not take much to make simple life interesting.. just be a little observant and u'll notice this sort of unexpected things around you.. :)
Hmm.. went to have dinner at my parents workplace yesterday. Thanks so much for treating me with very very delicious food! Fried oyster, prawn mee, sizzling chilli-flavoured fish, sugar cane juice and satay!! Yummy! Thanks so much for willing to lend me your car too.. i appreciate it!
Indeed, blogging is letting people know how u're feeling and introducing people to your inner life. People don't like it, but to me, i feel that there is nothing to hide. Maybe i'll stop blogging one day? When i feel lost of hope? haha.. let's hope this day will not come. Right now, i want to let the world know that i'm very pleased with my life although i still quarrel with people. Happy that some people still loves me like my parents and some of my friends.. that's enough le. In a month time, i will be flying to korea already. Hope all of you will be fine and healthy.. especially my parents.
...well spotted, you find more interesting about the dksh logo on the following site: www.dksh.com; the fantree company, ;-)!
I'm sorry to tell you that i don't like advertisment on my blog. next time i'll delete this kind of comment. no offence. anyway have a happy day..
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