Relocated to Bedok 85
Time flies.. and just an update of my whereabouts! In fact for the past 3 weeks, I have been "training" under the Hougang branch for carrot cake. Right now i'm sort of like relocated to the main branch in Bedok 85 training for fried oyster and oyster omelette. My dad sort of thinks that it's easier to train in bedok for all food types, and i agree with him.. :) The people there are very friendly and cute.. haha..
As usual, not only does splattering of hot oil onto fingers or skin very common, my whole body is filled with "fried oyster smell" + a layer of oil coating on my body. I can't really smell myself, it's my dad who smelled me. Well, i guess this is how he used to smell when he first started this business.. kinda like a fatherly smell to me already.. haha..
Oh! And we went to the bank today.. as you know, hawker business have lots of $2 notes ( because that's the price of our food ), we went to bank with most of our $2 notes and we were like.. err.. stacking in front of the counter.. i guess we have attracted a lot of attention.. haha.. and the counting and sorting into plastic notes and paper notes took an hour already.. I guess it's another experience that only those doing business get to experience~!
Hmm.. the only thing i'm worried is spending time with my loved ones.. I really hope this job will not affect my relationship.. Time is so different now and i only hope that everything will turn out fine till i master everything..
First post of New Year 2011
Wow wow wow.. it has been a very very long time since i last blogged. A lot of things has happened and I'm so glad that everything goes well with me.. Praise the Lord..
Before I begin, happy 2011 to all of you! In case you don't know, I have been working in A Star ever since I graduated in June 2009. I enjoyed lab life a lot.. in fact my relationship with everyone, including with my gf, grew exponentially during these period. I love my boss Katja and my best friend Ying Xiu in lab. I love the working environment and the time spent having lunch with my gf and uni friends. However no matter what, I believe strongly that I will not be staying in science field forever. Hence I have just made a surprising move: I quitted my wonderful job and went ahead to help my dad in his hawker business selling fried oyster, fried kway teow, hokkien mee and carrot cake.
In fact i'm not sure if i made the right decision. By doing so, I will be spending less time with my gf, I will have to leave my excellent boss, I have to be in a hot and extremely oily environment to work in, and my relationship with my parents may be worse in the long run due to unforeseen conflict. Anyway I have already worked for 2 weeks now and everything is still alright.
Most important news is that I have successfully proposed to my girlfriend! I wouldn't say it's a surprising move, but it has been the most wonderful thing I have did in my entire life. I remembered from the days i'm in primary school, secondary school, JC and army being single and feeling "unwanted"... especially in the army when I even felt no one on earth care whether i'm dead or not, other than my parents who attended my Passing Out Parade in BMT.. I chased after so many girls, and none of them really wanted me to be their bf.. felt very miserable.. until one day I found this beautiful girl dressed with an angelic white cover on the first Biostatistics lecture.. Thank you so much for willing to accept the imperfect me.. thanks so much for accepting me as who I am.. Thanks so much for your love.. Thank you Lord for your wonderful arrangement.. Indeed, there is a time for everything.. right now I just want to share with you my life which God has so abundantly blessed me with.. I don't want to wait until I lose you to learn to appreciate you.. I just want you now..
Having worked for 2 weeks, I'm still trying to adapt to the new working environment. Made many friends with uncles and aunties, and some are really funny. Most importantly, they treat me as adult and not as a kid though i'm the youngest.. I manage to learn how to cook carrot cake and fried oyster efficiently, and still trying to learn fried kway teow and hokkien mee. Rest assurred, once I have master the cooking, Singapore will still have fried kway teow to eat for the next generation to come. I will not let this food culture extinct.. ( hopefully.. :P )
Last but not the least, I hope everyone will be able to do things you like.. not because of money, not because of fame, but because you enjoyed your job and enjoyed every moment working.. something I learn from an auntie.. :) smile always! Life is too short to feel sad..
General thoughts
ZOOM!! 4 months passed and it has been long since i last updated my blog!
In fact there is nothing much in life that i crave for because i already had almost everything i wanted.. :P
I have great parents, great gf, great siblings, great friends around me, and a great and interesting job! Enjoyed my gf company every weekend and i appreciate your time and effort~ truly like what i'm doing now.. and of course with the occasional mahjong session as well as the delightful KOI bubble tea which has recently caught my taste bud!! ( I LOVE the honey black tea ) But on the other hand, i think there is not much of a future being just a research officer for the rest of my life. Guess one have to make sacrifices for passion.. which is science.. with all the competition eyeing for a good phD scholarship, my chances are close to slim.. Hence i hope i can find a job that i can stay for life..
Yet it would be good to start a business! Plenty of opportunities around me.. i hope there is one that suit me! Haiz.. fickle minded i am.. i must really do something for myself since my lifespan is running up every moment.. I do consider helping my dad in his business if i can't find the job i like.. Cannot find passion?? Guess it would be more practical to go for money instead.
Saw this quote on the train and i think it's meaningful..
"Some pursue happiness, others create it."
I don't believe in superstitious. I believe destiny lies in your very own hand.. and with the guidence of the Lord, i can create a happiness that i always wanted.. more often than not, life don't always go according to my plan.. but what can i do?? feeling helpless sometimes.. anyway I will update my blog again.. pretty soon i hope.. :)Just side track a little.. this is what i learn when i'm working:
It does not matter how much you have done for your boss. Most importantly, you must know how to talk cock. Once you know how to talk cock, you can come to work late, go for long hours of lunch break, gossip, slack and still get the liking of your boss. Joseph Joseph, if you want to make a hell good image of yourself and get recognize for the things you have done, go and learn how to talk cock. Just don't screw up your experiments and u will be well rewarded. Why the bloody hell should i go work at 7am or even 6.30am for my experiments and still be regarded as "not enthusiatic" in the end. Passion is not everything. Money IS.
A busy life
Life has gone by so quickly!! Hmm.. not to talk about my laziness in updating my blog.. there are just too many things happening in my life.. lovely times, playing times, working times, unhappy times... nonetheless, i'm thankful for everything that has happened!! Let me just briefly update with a few photos!! Too many photos to put in this blog anyway... :P
Went to Treetop talk with my dear, my bro and his gf.. :)
Unfortunately, it rained heavily until we are thoroughly drenched.. trust me.. we are totally wet..
Had a steamboat session with the NTU girls during Christmas 2009!!
And not to forget the Christmas gathering with my gf's poly friends!! They have been a group of wonderful mahjong kaki.. haha..
Hmm.. and my dear and i manage to go Taiwan from the 8th Jan 2010 till 14th Jan 2010!! It's not the place that matters, it's the company.. :) anyway the place is very nice and beautiful as well!! Went to quite a few places led by Amber and friends, and most of the time.. shopping spree for us!!
Li Shi manage to catch the "imprisoned" monkey!! So cute!! Reminds me of imprisoned by SAF.. sad.. haha.. Look at the turtle Yong Jia caught!! They are best friends already.. haha..
and the Domo was caught by Li Chen!! I like the teeth.. haha..
Flashing image of the local train behind us!!
All in all, i really did enjoyed my time in Taiwan!! Thanks so much dear for being there for me always.. I appreciated you a lot!! Bought a few things for my beloved family too.. Back at work, life has been fun as well!! Experiments after experiments and you never know what kind of interesting results you produce.. when face with problems, we have to crack our brain juice to make it right.. wow.. i love science.. haha.. research is fun! And i hope my next update will be soon!!
25th Birthday Baby
Wow.. today was such a surprise.. everything happen so quickly and in a blink of time, my birthday ended with much joy and blessings although i'm down with a flu~Thanks everyone for all your birthday wishes!! Thanks Li Shi, Esther, Steph, Desi ( my ex maid ), Joshua, Yu Ting, Eunice, Moses, Ying Xiu, Hui Ting, Tracey, Zhi Hui, Qing Qi Teacher, Angela, Jie Hui, Yongxin, Isaac, Ming Keat, Chen Wei, Daniel, Yiling, Wei Ping, Kian Hong, Christine, Xiu Hui, Huilin, Wee Hong, Pika Nicholas, Xiang Ting, Jeremy and Shajib in Korea for all of your birthday wishes!! Thanks Hui Ting for calling me personally and wish me happy birthday.. appreciated! Thanks Hui Jun, Wei Bin, Si Qi, Stanley, C3, Gwen, Ivory, Jia Yu, Jia En, Elsie and Wee Hong for your belated birthday wishes!!! Thanks Katja, Dana, Thava and Joey Xu for your belated birthday wishes too.. :)Thanks for your birthday present Dear.. It is the most wonderful present i have ever received!! Almost cried when i saw what u've done for me.. I appreciate your time, effort and money in making it all possible.. all the memories.. they meant so much to me.. Thanks Josh and Yu Ting for your present too! The shirt is very nice and trendy and i will definitely wear it.. :) Thanks Eunice for your lovely jar! It looks like a "fatty" jar.. haha..Thanks Huilin, Karen, June, Jie Hui and Moon for celebrating Li Shi and my birthday!! Thanks so much for the time, money, effort and chocolatey birthday cake.. I appreciate all of your lovely company from my heart. Thanks Qing Qi Teacher for your treat!! Appreciate your treat and precious time in Hong Kong Cafe... Thanks for the Sushi Teh treat from Ying Xiu, Kok Loon, Dana, Vey and Thava.. thanks for the company! Most importantly, thank you Papa Mama, my beloved parents, for your treat at Chomp Chomp.. Thanks Papa Mama for your beautiful watch too.. I know it's not cheap.. and i appreciate it..Thank you church friends for your celebration too.. Thanks Hui Fen and Jia En for your birthday card from Peking! They are so cute.. haha.. thanks Huiping, Wen Min, Krystin, Moses, Shan Shan, Shu Fen, Preacher Dong and wife, Jun Yao, Joanna, Yee Chien, Eunice, An Quan uncle, Joseph Shan for your celebration... Thanks for the nice chocolate cake and birthday card.. and thanks Huiping for buying the cake.. i appreciate what all of you have done for me.. i didn't do anything for u all, but u all still remember.. thanks..God bless me with lots of good friends in my life.. I'm so thankful that God place each and everyone of them in my life.. thankful for all my family and friends and i pray that God will bless all of them in their everyday life with happiness and joy.. :) Although life is short and birthday are just another normal day for me, but at this moment, i'm thankful for everything..
Little things in life..
Monday came.. and surprisingly it's not as blue as what i thought.. :)Today is not only my beloved 22nd month anniversary with my dear dear, we ROs have a mini bonding session! After work, i waited another 2 hours before we can finally feast our dinner at Sho Teppan in Ion Orchard~
Haha.. and this is my Kimchi Chicken Teppanyaki!! Hmm... we have to cook the food ourselves, but when i tried to combine the chicken with the Japanese sesame oil, it tastes fantastic!!
On top of these happy events, i got a lovely "present" from my dear dear on sunday.. Thanks so much for keeping your promise and gave me what i wanted! Your time and sacrifices is truly the best present i have ever received.. If only everyday is sunday.. Just want to let u know that you gave me my happiest moment.. :)