Yayaya... yesterday got army activation and i'm involved. Filled with frustration and anger actually. My friend lionel got arm dislocation, got MC after the surgery, still cannot be exempted from the recall all because of a stupid officer who say he better go report ( without his stuff of course). Big F***.
On this bloody hot day, i'm activated. Prepared everything, rush there sweating like mad from sengkang, then all they want me to do is to wait in a stupidly dirty area. For what sia? Other people check le can go, mine check le still want us to wait. I know you all are there the whole day, very sian, but that does not mean you can waste my time. You all can claim all the money you want, since i'm a student only and have to be involved in this F*** shit thing. Humans are smart creatures. If you want me to wait, i make sure i'm the last one to report the next time.
You know why you all are officers and i'm only a corporal? You are well-regarded by SAF as capable with leadership. You be garang yourself, and leave me alone since i'm only a corporal. I am worthless understand? That is why u only want me to be a corporal in the first place. And why appoint me as the one in-charge of calling the other people? I have already fulfilled my duty as an NSF. Now i am an NS men. If you want me to do something, give me clear instruction and don't tell me last minute what i didn't do after i'm activated and expect me to do all the F*** shit thing right the first time. After eveything is done, still want me to report to a super BO CHAP fatty sergeant. Entered the room, everyone just look at me and stare as if they are idiots. The "capable" officers are nowhere to be seen. Disgusted. Then i have scan name tag on their uniform to find a "Tan" before asking him what he want. Expect me to produce something which i didn't even bring. So what you want next since i don't have the things? Nothing right? Nothing still didn't tell me so that i can F*** off from that stupid place.
A simple thing also cannot do properly and efficiently. But this kind of inefficiency, idiotic, incapable, sucky things cannot even be blogged and publicized. Why? Because everything in SAF is "top secret". Anything F*** up also cannot say. No wonder it remains F**** up.( btw to all people, i'm not as innocent as what you think. If you think F***ing around means i'm a bad guy, so be it. I don't live by your face. If i'm really your friend, you should accept me as who i am. It does not mean those who appear good and harmless on the outside are angels and those who scold vulgaries are devil. I'm merely expressing what i'm thinking. Though it is so un-christian, it is still me. Don't believe in christianity loh, as if i care whether you go heaven or hell. I represent a fallen christian. A typical example. )
Lecture Marathon
haiz... coming online just to relieve myself from the "marathon" of lectures these few weeks... especially the 5 hours straight lectures of TCM and proteomics tutorial on thurs... felt tired and worn out... felt worried and tense... exam is approaching and i'm not feeling optimistic at all... I know my friends are feeling the same thing...Hmm... i'm going to be called up for army this week. Haix... don't know what to expect... although i've packed my stuff since last year, i don't like the idea of going back... I'm in the preparation of exams and have to face this stupid thing... haix... it's as if i'm waiting for death...Felt that i've neglected my friends... opps... sorry... really busy trying to cramp everything into my brain... not to mention the upcoming lab report and "chinese essay" not done + the lovely biomarkers for cancer and the "excitement" of non-selective amine-reuptake inhibitors unrevised... what the vigabatrin... you barbiturates are absolutely ethoSUXimide ( T-type ) and phenytoinly duloxetine... i need some serotonin... feeling pessimistic and loss of motivation.. loss of appetite and loss of libido... *glup* errm... psychotic drugs are welcome too... bring me to coma ba...Anyway pardon me for my lack of updates! Exams in 2 weeks time and nothing is done... guess i'm "dead" soon... back to study!!! *yawn*
Quick glimpse...
Busy busy busy... actually i'm not really that busy. It's just that there is not enough time to do the things i wanna do. Study TCM alone can take up 80% of your time already... not enough time for my other core modules! Have to practise to listen, to write and to memorize in Chinese again... haix....Exams in less than one month's time, and i'm seriously not prepared for it. How to study HRM? It is so logical and so general until i don't know how to prepare for it. Anyway i just hope things turn out fine this semester... Alamak... still got Functional Genomics and Proteomics untouched...Went to church today and got to understand something once again, that resurrection is the foundation of Christianity. Without resurrection, Christianity is fake and we are believing in a person / God who cannot even overcome death. Haix... anyway i think i have no time to blog le... exams in less than 3 weeks... See how ba...Back to study!
Theory X
McGregor's Theory X: The Traditional View of Direction and Control1. The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he or she can.2. Because of this human characteristic dislike of work, most people can be coerced, controlled, directed, threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort towards the achievement of organisational objectives.3. The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all.This theory reminds me of something: SAF. Indeed, this theory tells an absolute truth of this sickening organisation.Anyway i'm so sorry for the vulgar words. Felt hurt at that time, and time did heal everything.. cos things are perfect once again! Haha... TCM lectures are gaining its stride and the workload seems to be heavier... but still managable! Luckily the Human Resource Project and the Pharmacology lab report is finally over... though i'm still left with the Functional Genomics and Proteomics Lab report.. sian... Chatted with Jian Zhong about relationship stuff and... hmm... had mixed feelings ba. Though relationship can turn out bad sometimes, i still wanna be optimistic about it... :P ( see this? I think he's self-entertaining himself.. just be happy! )
Haven't been in msn for a long long long time... haha! Ever since my computer got virus, i no longer have the urge to go msn. Though i feel left out from all my friends, but i spent the time sleeping, especially when i'm travelling at least 3 hours per day to school and back, changing LRT, MRT and bus within one trip... i can't imagine i'm such a hardy creature...Oh ya.. happy birthday Kelvin! Can see your gf Xiang Ting loves you a lot leh... buy present and cake, and gather your friends to celebrate with you... the 4 leaves chocolate cake is marvellous! ( Especially the last layer only... LOL!! ) thanks Xiang xiang for the Mars Chocolate! Had my family day today! Haha... Had dinner at Fei Chui and the food was not bad la.. though my parents commented it could be better. Had shark fin, roasted duck, roasted chicken, sea cucumber + minced pork + brocolli, fried fish, fried rice, prawns with lots of garlic and a lovely cup of mango pudding. Haha! Enjoyed the company of all my family members!Another happy news!!! I finally got into Dong-A University for exchange next semester!!! Applied for 3 semesters and finally got in from the second round of selection. Hmm... still having lots of obstacles of subject matching and planning before the actual acceptance of the Exchange offer... see how ba...
The Jatropha guy
I cannot believe it.. the Professor who taught me Plant Biology in year 3 sem 1, Dr Hong Yan, was in the Straits Times today!
WA... Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory's project on the jatropha plant is spearheaded by Dr Hong leh... impressive huh... but i don't really like his "Qi Qong' style in the picture... hmm... no choice ba... i think for a plant biologist, you have to learn "马步" because plants are generally shorter than us.
By the way, at 10.30am today i saw an accident happened on Sengkang East Way. 2 car collided and one of them landed in the middle of the road. A few cars tried to bypass the crushed car. As per normal, i waited for bus 161. When a bus 161 arrived, the bus driver turned left and avoided the car. Initially i thought he was going to turn back and picked up passengers like me, who are waiting for him, but in the end, he ignored my bus stop and proceed to the next. As we can see, this drive lacks professionalism. The most basic responsibility for a bus driver is to drive carefully and to reach all the bus stops, isn't it? Apparently this driver sucks in his lazy attitude.However i would like to compliment the female driver ( bus 161 ) from bus SBS 2638 Z, who manage to bypass the crushed car and fetch the passengers at 10.45pm. What she display is true professionalism. I like her attitude.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. ... And now these three remains: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.1Corinthians 13:4-8, 13For you, the one I love (^.^)
Taming the Tongue
If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check... ... The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. If corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of this life on fire, and it itself set on fire by hell.All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.The above abstract comes from the bible. The bible is so funny sometimes... All the while, it was trying to talk about the power of a tongue, and how much destruction it can cause. The conclusion given at the end of it seems out of point isn't it? Yet it was trying to tell us this: Those who are wise in controlling their tongue are necessary the one who speak the most. They are the ones who speak when necessary and most importantly, show it through their action.Indeed, a lot of times when we are ill, or when we are sad and heartbroken, everyone will say more or less the same kind of consolation words. They are appreciated of course, but many a times, a simple hug or even an offer of a small coffee is more precious than words. Wisdom comes with action, and their actions built up people.