Thanks for chatting with me Eunice..
Hmm.. now is 2.46am ( Korean time ) already.. still haven't sleep.. don't know why i cried suddenly..
I want to learn how to love again.. Feeling dejected..
Happy 21st Birthday Eunice!
Happy 21st Birthday Eunice!! Although i can't celebrate with u in Singapore, i still wish u all the best in your future endeavours!!
You have been a wonderfully great sister, a fun sister and we all loves u! Tried to do something for you.. haha.. not very well done, but i hope u'll like it! May the Lord bless you with His abundant love and grace.. and best wishes to your relationship with Francis! Love u! ( including your hippo and tweety ) :P
Hanlim Dormitory
This is another entry that truly express my anger.. I have no intention to insult any koreans, and i do have very good, helpful and caring korean friends. If you think you cannot take some vulgarities, please do not read. I just want to point out some systems which i think are not good.Guess what happen in the dormitory i'm living in now? People are walking around PERSONALLY at 12am taking YOUR attendance. We must be back before 12am. If not minus 1 point. If we're not in hall the whole night, minus 2 points. If a total of 10 points are substracted, u are out of this dormitory immediately. Trust me when i said immediately. And u better not be bathing when the people are taking attendance at 12am, if not 1 points will be deducted.Are we babies to you? This is Dong-A University, a university that is treating international students as if we are your bloody baby. What the fuck. Now i can't even have a night jog at 11.30pm, which i usually do so in NTU. And i cannot bring people of opposite sex into my room. Why can't we do all these? Do you seriously think we are going to fuck any girls that we bring into our room? Are we "desperates" to you? Are we not independent at all? And u even have 80 over camaras in this fucking small dormitory. I cannot even pee in peace. Also, why can't PNU dormitory allow guys to even visit their girlfriend in the dormitory?? Do you think i'm going to rape all the girls in the dormitory? Seriously, i feel that in their mind, guys = perverts, girls = desperates. I believe it's just a matter of time before we become perverts and desperates. Fucked up understand?And when i'm not going to stay overnight in my dormintory, i have to apply for it on the internet??? WTF?!?!?! Who am i to Hanlim Dormitory? Prisoners?? And i cannot leave the hall from 12pm to 5pm, cos it will affect the other residents. Pissing me off. This is the kind of sucky things which i will not keep quiet. My friend even have to resort to tying up all his belts together to get the food delivery because no one can go in and out. And he throw down the money, let the delivery man tie the food delievered onto the belt before he pull up to his room. Ridiculous.And even my germany friend, who was promised by his professor to get a single room, did not get it after much persuasion. ( Persuade what sia.. they promised you already and u still have to persuade them to keep the promise??? ) And there are tons of single guest room here untouched. Sickening attitude, especially the one in-charge. Not only this, a few incidents happened that makes me think that some people are not keeping their promises.. This is how much integrity they have. Don't make any fucking promises which you cannot keep.Korea is indeed a nice place filled with nice scenery, but i will not hesitant to bring up fucked up stuff like this. I truly have no freedom. Even the meals timing are set. If u missed it, it's your fucking business and you go hungry.Fuck off
Life in Korea
Trying to adapt to the "Korean-style" environment..Don't like it when sometimes, some auntie sit so close to me purposely.. makes me scared of them.. seriously find some old people's behaviour sucky though they are well-respected in Korea. No matter what they do, we should respect them and not retaliate. FAT HOPE. If you bully me, u'll be the first to be slapped by me. I'm not giving attitude, just don't touch me.Don't really like the life here sometimes.. miss Singapore.. but thankful there are nice Korean people around me.. to help me.. without them, life would be intolerable in this foreign land..Though i feel like going home, i can't.. i have to go though it..Though i want to do some things, i don't dare..When i wanted this, i got that.. and when i got that, i wanted this.. maybe i should not want anything at all..Complicated feelings sometimes.. don't know what i want..Now i'm having more and more free time.. to think of more things.. to miss more people.. and to entertain more lonely thoughts..Learning to live with different people differently.. and its hard to please everyone..Cherish life more..So near, yet so far..Seems within the grasp, but it's not even there..