1) Go Newton MRT Korean embassy to collect my VISA
2) Go to IRO to collect the package for Ms Jane in Dong-A Uni
3) FYP briefing conducted by Kristen
4) Take acceptance letter from YF ( thanks so much! ) and return Jess her earring
5) Had lunch with Wei Bin, YF, CCC, Yu Sheng and Jess
6) Go Yio Chu Kang and collect my laptop from Yun guang ( thanks YG! )
7) Return to Sengkang OCBC branch and enquire about my cheque
8) Change a new nets card in POSB bank
9) Went home take receipt, then proceed to bugis to exchange for the new 1G ram i bought
10) Go home, then cycled to compasspoint again to fetch someone dear to me, then accompany her home before reaching home at 12.15am
Seriously, i'm just practically travelling around Singapore on thursday. Shag out on fri.. haha.. but when i return to work ( my final day ), we gave our colleagues little sweets and surprisingly they gave me a nice Seoul book in chinese!! I've yet to read it.. and i'm going to do so for the next few days! Thanks so much.. :)
I also received free tourist map and travel guide from the Korea Tourism Organisation! Thanks!
Been busy all these while.. packing mostly.. everything is more of less settled and i'll be flying on Wednesday at 8.40pm. I hope everything is alright! Was talking with my parents on saturday also.. rather troubled by some issues at work.. maybe will head bedok later and help them..