Hmm... mood seems to brighten up a little this week as my family days commences today! Nothing much was done, but enjoyed the presence of my family most.
Woke up early in the morning and had a great chat with my dad. Chatted about relatives, the stocks he bought, his work, a little of my future? I am seriously considering going into the "hawker business" for the sake of better life in the future. Though it is not what i really what, it should give me a good start after i graduate ba. In fact, i hope to get a job in a pharmaceutical company and keep abreast of all the useful drugs in the market! I hope to invent a cure for HIV patients... perhaps... working towards this goal is not feasible for me. Why? Everything in Singapore needs money. Who will feed a mediocre student for researching potential drugs, which u know will most probably mount to vain, which u know will fail because this student is only of mediocre standard. Let the smart ones do it. Top universities graduates. Let them be the ones who will do all the inventions while i live peaceful in a corner of Singapore. At the very least, i'm not a burden to anyone.
Hmm... thank you dad for bringing me all the way to NTU! Had a nice lunch with my family in Canteen A before going for my lesson. So nice Jessica is in sch also! Met up with her after lesson. Initially she wanted to go home because of a terrifble headache, but it got better. Since she got nothing to do at home, i suggested her to join me for my family day. Haha... i think she was kind and brave enough to accept my invitation.
On the way to meet up my parents for dinner, we met 2 hall 15 people! Chuan Tin's good friend from SBS and a good softball player... Err... don't really know their names! Chatting with the SBS graduate makes me think twice again about my future job prospect. Hmm... i think... she was like a sales personnal selling biotechnology equipment. Well, it does require a science students to understand the use of such complicated equipment before u can market the product. Anyway, i don't think i will be able to see them again... people come and go in your lives... if u didn't keep in contact with them, perhaps u'll never cross path with them again... even if they are nice people....
Dinner time! Had a great dinner ba... Octopus, fishcake, crunchy sweet stuff, fish, pig leg, yam cake, 2 types of noddles, egg toufu, miscellaneous vegetables, crab, sweet fried prawns etc all nicely decorated! Only manage to take a shot of the first dish!
Oh ya... Mei De uncle and family, Mei Qiang uncle family, Da Yi and her husband were present at the dinner! It is like a mini gathering ba.... and i think Jess feels a little awkward? Don't worry Yu Sheng!! She is well taken care of... (^.^) Manage to take another shot at my lovely cousin... :P
When we reached home, we had durian and red wine!! Enjoyed a lovely movie before i send Jessica home. Seems nice and blissed?
As what i always said. Everything is like a mist. All good things will come to an end. Everything is like a nice disguise, carefully set up to show that "WOW!! Joseph have a nice family!!" when in fact it is not. Shortly, demon took over our family. Smashing, vulgarities, violence, disrespect, unstable, madness and unreasonable behaviour predominates. If you have no fucking idea what happen in the family, then u better keep out of this so that i won't hate u for being a busybody. No more good boy for Joseph. Why? People always thought Joseph is so holy, always go church, didn't scold a single vulgar word from the mouth... In fact things is not so simple. I do everything with a choice. The choice of doing it probably shows what kind of person i am. All i can say is that if this family were to break up, Joseph will change. Most probably for the worse. I will make sure no one will hurt me again. I remember all the bad things that happened in my life and I will never forget it.
Sufferred a small cut and a slight horsed voice. My poor sister bleed. To stop myself from using too much vulgar words in this entry, i shall use it in this last sentence: Tonight is a fuckingly fucked up night, which makes all the fuckers in my life looked more like real fuckers. Sorry mei for using this. Anyway it does not matter anymore. I'm only a kor. A useless kor whom only keeps pitying himself. A shallow kor whom only keeps the outside looks nice, but inside is all filth. A person whom always wanted to have a girlfriend so that he can share his life with someone, but little did people know that this person is fuckingly selfish. Can't even support himself, financially impotent, can't even keep the family intact, can't even keep up with fashion, mug like hell still got average grades, always appear to be the third party, substandard physique that totally turn off girls, erroded values, fucked up ego and you still want to share this sucky life of yours with another person? Mind your own business Joseph, and keep clear of people from reaching their bright future.
Sorry if i offend anyone. Hope all of you have a nice day.